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11th Edition Crisis Management Study Banner Image Participate Now.png

Our 11th Edition Crisis Management Study is Live!  Participate by
July 28th to be Entered into a $500 USD Amazon Gift Card Raffle.

Participate Today to Receive Your Complimentary Report (aggregate report on all study participants) & a Customized Crisis Management Dashboard!  (Customized Peer Dashboards are Available by Industry or Organizational Annual Revenues)

Participate in Study


Learn more about our Crisis Management Dashboards via the video below

highlighting our customized dashboards from 2023.




















Please share with your colleagues - a better response enhances our assessment of the profession.

BC Management (powered by Witt O'Brien's) is pleased to announce that our 11th Edition Crisis Management Study is live for participation.  This study is globally recognized and will be used to assess how organizations prepare for and respond to different crises in addition to program enhancements coming in the new year. The survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. 

As a study participant, you'll receive data findings on the following:​

  • Impacts to the business operations and personnel

  • Downtime and financial loss by event

  • Lessons learned - what was successful and not successful

  • Executive involvement and oversight

  • Program enhancements to advance resilience management

Participation in the survey is complimentary and confidential.  At a minimum, we will need an email address (maybe personal) to send the complimentary report and customized dashboard.  We do NOT need your company name or company contact information.


Please ensure that 1 person who manages business continuity, resilience management, crisis management, or disaster recovery from your organization participates unless multiple individuals manage different programs by business units, processes, or program scope.

Who should participate?
- Participants must work in resiliency planning (contingency, disaster recovery, crisis management, or crisis communications).
- Contract/Fixed-term consultants are discouraged from participating unless they are responding exclusively on behalf of one client.  If so, the entire study must be completed on behalf of one client.

Why participate?
- Study participants will receive a complimentary report of the study findings and a customized Crisis Management dashboard (a peer assessment based on industry or organizational revenues).
- BC Management has been conducting BCM data metrics research/ assessments since 2001.
- The response is immense, driven by the value the results provide.
- The scope is worldwide, due to our extensive contacts and partnerships.
- Completely confidential - Only your email address will be kept on file for report distribution & future study notifications.  

Please direct any questions to  If you participated in a previous study but didn't receive your corresponding complimentary report, please contact

Thank you in advance for participating.  We look forward to sharing the results.

Thank you, 
~ Your BC Management & Witt O'Brien's Team


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